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From: "Chris Purdie" <topher@fox.nstn.ca>
To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 11:59:01 -0400
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Subject: OFF TOPIC: HELP! Pana AG-455 Users!!!
Reply-To: topher@fox.nstn.ca
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Sorry for the off topic post but I am in quite a bind here and I know a
number of LWer's use the Panasonic AG-455u Camera in their work!
Last night, we ran out of tape while recording in the camera, and so we
ejected the tape and put in another that had about 15 mins left on it.
After it was in we tried to turn the camera on but the unit would only
power up and then fast forward the tape for 10 seconds and then shut off!
It did this a number of times so we tried to eject the tape but again, the
unit would power up, fast forward for about 10 seconds and then shut off,
not even ejecting the tape!
Now the tape if all the way to the end, and the unit still powers up and
tries to fast forward the tape, the motor spins and there is tension on
the tape, but it will not eject. When I pulled a bit of tape out, and
pressed eject, it again FFwed the tape and still wouldn't do anything.
This did happen to me once before, but I pressed eject a few times and it
did eventually eject the tape. I don't know if it is because of the tape
itself (maybe not in properly?) or something is wrong with the camera.
However the first time it happened it was a TDK VHS tape, and this time it
is a Sony SVHS.
The real problem is I have a show to go on in a few hours, and the tape
that is in the camera is the one I need! Has anybody else experienced or
heard of this problem, or know of ANY suggestions on what I can do (yes, I
will be reffering it to a service center soon!)?!? The unit is still under
warranty, but is there a way I can manually eject the tape to at least get
that out? I looked for a locking pin holding it in, but since it is an
electronic eject I can't seem to find it. Does the door open on a motor? I
didn't think so.. but any information would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks in advance....
"Chris Purdie" <topher@fox.nstn.ca> sent this message.
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